


国际行为分析协会(ABAI) Verified Course Sequence (VCS) Seal亚洲博彩平台的在线行为分析实践硕士(M.A.)为学生提供高品质的教育体验, 与该领域的专家合作, 灵活的时间安排,以适应繁忙的专业人士. The M.A. 课程要求学生完成33个学分的课程, including 21 credits in courses verified by the as meeting the for certification at the BCBA® level. 额外的学分是用来评估的, build, 加强行为分析应用的实践能力.


  • 课程总学分33个
  • 100%在线方便学生
  • 只要六个学期就能毕业
  • 每年三个容易入学的时期(秋季、春季和夏季)
  • 每周与共同导师举行现场会议
  • ABAI认证课程序列-硕士/BCBA®/BCaBA®/(第5版).)



  • 硕士课程内的证书课程每学分510美元.
  • 硕士课程中的硕士课程每学分970美元.
Semester 1 BEH5041:概念介绍 & 行为分析原理 3 每小时510美元= 1,530美元
BEH5044:行为分析师的道德规范 1 $510/学分小时= $510 
BEH5060:行为分析应用经验 1 每小时970美元= 970美元 
Semester 2 行为分析中的测量与实验设计 3 每小时510美元= 1530美元
BEH5047:评估与干预导论 1 $510/学分小时= $510
BEH5061:行为分析的应用经验 1 每小时970美元= 970美元 
Semester 3 BEH5048:评估 & 技能获取的行为改变程序 & 性能改进 3 每小时510美元= 1,530美元
BEH5050:监督 & 管理基础知识 1 $510/学分小时= $510
BEH5062:行为分析应用经验 1 每小时970美元= 970美元  
Semester 4 BEH5049:评估 & 行为减少的行为改变程序 3 每小时510美元= 1,530美元
BEH5045:行为分析师职业道德 1 $510/学分小时= $510
BEH5063:行为分析应用经验 1 每小时970美元= 970美元 
限制性选修课 1 每小时970美元= 970美元 
Semester 5 BEH5042: ABA从业者行为的概念分析 3 每小时510美元= 1,530美元
BEH5051:高级人事监督 & Management 1 $510/学分小时= $510
BEH5064:行为分析应用经验 1 每小时970美元= 970美元  
限制性选修课 1 每小时970美元= 970美元 
Semester 6 BEH5040:个性化的专业提升系统 1 每小时970美元= 970美元 
BEH5065:行为分析应用经验 1 每小时970美元= 970美元 
期末课程考试  0  
限制选修课(三门独立的1学分课程) 3 每小时970美元= 2910美元 
BEH5046:行为分析师的道德规范 1 $510/学分小时= $510

The university's board of trustees has approved these tuition and fees for the academic year 2024–2025. 学杂费如有更改,恕不另行通知.

These cost estimates below are not included in your bill but are expenses you may incur during your attendance. 这些估计也用于计算你的经济援助报价.

书籍及用品 $600 $1,200
联邦学生贷款费用(仅由借款人承担) $83 $166
个人支出 $1,050 $2,100
运输 $750 $1,500
校外住房 $3,970 $7,940
校外的食物 $3,200 $6,400

学生必须遵守a 期末课程/博士综合考试费 if a student is not registered for, at least, a 1 credit class during the same semester as the FPE.



  • 春季(1月)
  • 夏季(5月)
  • 秋天(八月)


  • 行为分析原理
  • 行为分析师的道德规范
  • 行为分析的应用经验
  • 测量与实验设计
  • 评估及干预


The 国际行为分析协会(ABAI) has verified this program as meeting the coursework requirements for eligibility to take the 委员会认证行为分析师® (VCS #51228) examination. Applicants will need to meet additional requirements before they can be deemed eligible to take the examination.

51228 bcba (BACB®)

内容范围及课程BACB Ethics Code and Code-Enforcement System; Professionalism哲学的基础Concepts & Principles哲学的基础; Concepts & 原理(仅限BCaBA使用)Measurements, Data Display and Interpretation; 实验设计行为评估促成过程; 选择和实施干预措施人事监督管理开始日期:
End Date:
BCBA®(参考) 45 90    45 45 60 30    
BCaBA®(参考) 30     45 30 45 60 15    
BEH 5020           15     08/30/2021  
BEH5041      45           08/24/2020  
BEH5042   45             01/10/2022  
BEH5043         45        01/11/2021  
BEH5044 15               08/24/2019  
BEH5045 15               01/10/2020  
BEH5046 15               01/11/2021  
BEH5047           10 5   01/11/2021  
BEH5048           15 30   05/10/2021  
BEH5049           20 25   08/30/2021  
BEH5050               15 01/10/2021  
BEH5051               15 01/10/2022  


M的任务.A. Behavior Analysis Practice online degree program is to produce competent science-informed practitioners who are solidly grounded in basic 原则 derived from the experimental analysis of behavior, who approach problems in a conceptually 系统的 way tied to those basic 原则, 谁将获得BCBA®认证, 谁坚持最佳的基于数据和基于证据的ABA实践, and who will continue to inform their practice with current research findings.



应用行为分析(ABA)提供了科学的, 系统的, 以及学习行为和教学的策略方法. It is often implemented as an intensive therapeutic or educational practice and focuses on socially significant behavior. 它的特点是持续和系统的观察, 数据收集, 经常评估学习者的学习进度. ABA therapies primarily focus on building functional skills but also address replacing behaviors that interfere with the individual’s ability to learn or effectively function in their daily life. 美国律师协会的从业人员目前在各个领域工作, 包括教育, 医疗保健(包括心理健康), 企业管理, sports, 动物训练, 在其他领域,学习和提高表现是目标. ABA has no “one size fits all” strategy; every challenge is different, every individual unique.


The online format provides advantages through flexible scheduling and improved instructional standards, 其中包括异步和同步交付的组合. 每年1月(春季)开学三次。, 5月(夏季), 九月(秋季), students can begin a sequence at their convenience to fulfill degree and/or BCBA® requirements. The full M.A. 课程可以在短短六个学期内完成. Likewise, 亚洲博彩平台’s contemporary learning management systems allow course lectures to be accessed from a user’s computer or mobile device, 以及促进学生互动和教育在旅途中. 请放心, our dedicated Student Services and technical support teams are also available via phone and email throughout the week for your needs.


每周参加bbaa认证的共同讲师的现场会议. Online meetings with co-instructors allow students to clarify content and get their questions answered in real-time. 学生也可以选择加入我们蓬勃发展的在线社区. Connect with peers and instructors through discussion boards and social media for a truly supportive student experience.

亚洲博彩平台 co-instructors go through a rigorous interview and training process and receive continuous feedback on their performance to ensure that they are providing top quality instruction and support to students. Each student has an assigned co-instructor from whom they can get an email response within 24 hours, and many co-instructors are well-known for going above and beyond the call of duty to support their students’ learning.

What makes 亚洲博彩平台 stand out among other behavior analysis universities?


With its intuitive user experience and comprehensive instructional framework, the ABA online program is designed to bolster students’ retention and sequenced to provide in-depth instruction to students about the concepts, 原则, 以及应用行为分析的步骤. Each course serves as a foundation for the knowledge and skills required for BCBA® and BCaBA® examination. Because the Embedded Course Sequence is verified as meeting BACB® instructional requirements, students never have to worry about whether their coursework will count toward certification.

BCBA®/BCaBA®任务列表分为两个主要部分: 基金会,包括基本技能、基本原则和知识 应用程序,其中包括更多以实践为导向的技能. Logo第1节:基础

  • 哲学的基础
  • 概念与原理
  • 测量,数据显示和解释
  • 实验设计


  • 道德规范(行为分析师职业道德规范)
  • 行为评估
  • 促成过程
  • 选择和实施干预措施
  • 人事监督管理


多年来, 亚洲博彩平台ABA在线学生的表现是一致的, 表现优异 BACB®认证考试. As we like to say, “there are no coincidences" regarding 亚洲博彩平台 success metrics.


BACB Exam Pass Rates Thru 2021 - See text chart below if you can not view image.

亚洲博彩平台 69% 67% 71% 79% 74% 81% 81% 76% 74% 74.82% 81%
BACB®平均 57% 57% 62% 70% 65% 65% 62% 62% 66%  61%  49%
BCBA®考试通过率  20122013201420152016201720182019202020212022
亚洲博彩平台 70% 66% 68% 76% 71% 74% 78% 75% 76% 74.06% 77%
BACB®平均 58% 58% 60% 65% 66% 65% 65% 63% 66%  60%  55%



After receiving your master's in behavior analysis practice, you may consider applying for a 在亚洲博彩平台获得行为分析博士学位. 亚洲博彩平台的行为分析研究生课程提供博士学位.D. 对于希望在本学科继续深造的学生. Ph.D. graduates become behavior-analytic researchers, instructors, and practitioners. 亚洲博彩平台 professors expect graduates of the behavior analysis doctorate program to approach the world from the perspective of a behaviorist; to continue to contribute to behavioral research; to inform their practice with current research findings; to obtain academic and professional positions; and to effectively manage other behavior analysts under their supervision.


ABA practitioners know that certification is the key to job growth and security. There is a growing need for well-trained board-certified professionals in behavior analysis, 在学校的早期干预项目中, 天计划, 住宅设置和家庭项目. Certification in behavior analysis will provide the opportunity to access a wide range of career options.


  • 委员会认证行为分析师
  • 董事会认证助理行为分析师®
  • 特殊教育教师
  • 人力资源专员
  • 儿童及家庭服务
  • 临床研究员
  • 行为研究员
  • ABA培训协调员
  • 大学/学院的教授
  • 组织行为学管理
  • 注册行为技师®
  • 临床总监/主管
  • 认证自闭症专家(CAS)
  • 学校干预师
  • Life Coach
  • 动物训练及护理
  • 托儿中心的所有者/主任
  • 健康教练
  • 个人健康教练
  • 非营利部门
  • 职业财务行为
  • 动物行为学家
  • 动物园动物驯兽师


  • 自闭症谱系障碍
  • ADHD
  • 精神健康障碍 
  • 老年医学
  • Forensics
  • 行为老年学
  • 行为儿科学 
  • 健康与健身
  • 行为医学 
  • Sports
  • 生活指导
  • 环境/可持续性 
  • Parenting
  • 教育/特殊教育
  • 动物训练
  • 外部/内部业务顾问
  • 培训/学习和发展 
  • 教学设计
  • 持续改进 
  • 组织发展 
  • 人力资源  


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